Budget: an estimate of cash flow and expenditures for the cycle of the campaign.
Bundler/Raiser: Person who raises money for the campaign in a volunteer capacity.
Call Time: Dedicated time where candidate calls potential prospects or current donors with staff present.
Candidate Vision: what imagined policy changes does the candidate want to achieve in his or her district.
Committee: a legal entity that receives campaign contributions and pays for expenditures.
Compliance: Department that makes sure your campaign is following the rules and laws.
Deadlines: When you have to disclose donations to the entity who oversees your election.
Digital: deepens the connection with supporters in the online space, creating opportunities for people to take part in a campaign.
Direct Mail: When you mail donors to solicit them.
District: an electoral subdivision to elect members to a legislative body.
Donor: Person who has given you money.
Fundraising: individual contributors who support and fund a campaign.
Finance Committee: Group of bundlers or raisers who want to be engaged throughout the campaign.
Grassroots Donors: Donors who are under a threshold (ex. Under 200) and give in smaller amounts.
Grassroots Organizing: a grassroots structure that fosters team-building activities to recruit, train, and deploy supporters on behalf of the campaign.
High-Dollar Donors: The big check writers!
Limits: How much a person can donate to your campaign legally.
Max: A donation that reaches the limit.
Media: the main means of mass communication (broadcasting, publishing, and the internet) regarded collectively
Messaging: is all about communicating what the candidate will do once they are elected to office.
Political Endorsement: is a public declaration of one’s personal or group’s support of a candidate or elected official
Political Outreach: building relationships with activists, community leaders, and elected officials
Precincts: county, city, or towns that are divided by addresses to assign polling places and collect votes.
Prospect: Person you are asking for money.
Re-Solicit: Asking someone who has already given to give more.
Solicit: Asking a prospect for money.
Surrogate: Someone who has endorsed your campaign and is willing to speak on its behalf.
Telemarketing: When you hire outside company to call donors on behalf of the campaign.
Vetting: Process of making sure there are no legal or ethical issues with taking a donation
Voter Database: a voter database contains information on individual voters in a district.